jim dolmas


This is just a vehicle for sharing my research and some of my personal interests. You can email me at jim (at) jimdolmas (dot) net.

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I’m an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. My research has been in the areas of utility theory, capital theory, quantitative business cycle theory, and political economy. Recently, I have also been doing some work in the area of asset-pricing.

At the Fed, I’ve done some work on the topic of inflation measurement, in particular the construction of alternative measures of core inflation. I also write a monthly “Inflation Update” for our website. If you are interested in that sort of thing, have a look here.

You can find a copy of my CV here.

Depending on the device you’re viewing this on, the links at left or above will help you navigate to the various parts of the site; for now, the only developed parts are pages for research and non-economics stuff, i.e., some of my personal interests.

Since I work for the Federal Reserve, I must convey the following disclaimer:

The views represented on these pages do not necessarily reflect the views of the Dallas Fed or the Federal Reserve System